Kent Adult Westport Folding Tricycle Review

What could be more cheerful for a teen than riding a tricycle in his / her very own neighborhood in the cool breeze of evening? What could be more satisfying for an adult going on a fishing trip to have a trike that does not only carry him / her but also his / her stuff required for the event?

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What could be more peaceful for an old citizen than to having a reliable trike that could help him / her in performing some cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis? You must be thinking what could possibly be the link among all the above mentioned statements, right? Your curiosity is plausible and the answer to your inquisitiveness is one and only: the Kent Adult Westport Folding Tricycle.

The Adult Tricycle manufactured by the Kent International Co. is simply a blessing in a reasonable amount available on the Amazon. It is a multi-purpose tricycle that can comfort you in performing your day to day tasks. All you need to do is just book an order online and your favorite trike will be at your doorstep within a few days.

Before purchasing this trike, you would first definitely like to have a general research and review of kent adult westport folding tricycle. This article has been written exactly to serve your purpose. Therefore, I would no longer delay your research process. There you go!


The Kent Adult Westport Folding Tricycle has numerous features which are covered in the tabular form as follows.

Attribute Description
Name Kent Adult Westport Folding Tricycle
Type Adult tricycle
Color Blue
Frame Steel
Handle Bars Adjustable upright
Fenders Front wheel only
Clearance Step Through Low
Speed Single
Saddle Extra wide
Rear Basket Yes
Front Basket No
Brake Style Linear pull
Light Reflectors Yes (Both front and back)
Assembly Partial
Weight Limit 300 lbs.

Key Features

Owing to its unique design, the Kent Adult Westport Folding Tricycle has a combination of general and particular key features which are given below.

Technical Specifications

The Kent International Company has taken care of every single bit of technicality while manufacturing this product. A detail of the technical specification of this product are as follows.

Pros of Kent Westport Folding Trikes

Cons of Kent Westport Adult Tricycle:

Video Review

Frequently Asked Questions

The most frequently asked questions about this product are as follows.

Q: Is It Portable?

Although it gets fold from the center of the frame, the folded trike still remains difficult to carry because of the two rear wheels.

Q: Is It Street Safe?

Yes it is. But you still need to be watchful.

Q: Is There Enough Room to Install a 50 cc Engine In This Trike?

Unless you use the rear basket, it can’t be possible.

Q: Is it Assembled Already?

It is partially assembled but you can easily assemble it with the help of one or two people.

Q: Does This Trike Have a Parking Break?

No it doesn’t.

Q: I Have to Keep My Trike at My Beach House. Will It Get Rusted Soon?

I don’t think so. It has been more than a year since I purchased mine and it’s still perfect. Make sure to paint your trike whenever needed.

Q: Does It Have Gears for Easy Pedaling?

No. It is a single speed tricycle.

Q: Can I Adjust The Handle Bars and Seat Back and Forth Easily?

Yes you can. It is very easy to do so.

Q: What Tools Are Needed to Assemble It at Home?

Two adjustable wrenches, screw drivers, and metric allen wrenches.

Q: Can This Trike Fit in a Single Car Garage with the Car Inside Too While Being Folded?

Yes it can. I too have a single car garage and I keep my trike there all the time with my car.


The Kent Adult Westport Folding Tricycle is no doubt one of the best options available on the Amazon. It is highly compact, efficient and top quality trike. No product in this world is without negative points but still it can be a dream trike for many children, adults and the old citizens who are looking to drive through the neighborhood, go for a picnic and keep their health at a certain level respectively.

I hope you would have reached to a decision after reading this article and I am sure you would have found it quite useful. Go to the Amazon and purchase this trike because it is second to none.

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